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November 4, 2016 - No Comments!

How to Start Exercising and Stick to It

Making exercise an enjoyable part of your everyday life may be easier than you think. These tips can show you how.

Young woman running along sidewalk

Overcoming obstacles to exercising

If you’re having trouble beginning an exercise plan or following through, you’re not alone. Many of us struggle getting out of the sedentary rut, despite our best intentions.

You already know there are many great reasons to exercise—from improving energy, mood, sleep, and health to reducing anxiety, stress, and depression. And detailed exercise instructions and workout plans are just a click away. But if knowing how and why to exercise was enough, we’d all be in shape. Making exercise a habit takes more—you need the right mindset and a smart approach.

While practical concerns like a busy schedule or poor health can make exercise more challenging, for most of us, the biggest barriers are mental. Maybe it’s a lack of self-confidence that keeps you from taking positive steps, or your motivation quickly flames out, or you get easily discouraged and give up. We’ve all been there at some point.

Whatever your age or fitness level—even if you’ve never exercised a day in your life —there are steps you can take to make exercise less intimidating and painful and more fun and instinctive.

Ditch the all-or-nothing attitude. You don't have to spend hours in a gym or force yourself into monotonous or painful activities you hate to experience the physical and emotional benefits of exercise. A little exercise is better than nothing. In fact, adding just modest amounts of physical activity to your weekly routine can have a profound effect on your mental and emotional health.

Be kind to yourself. Research shows that self-compassion increases the likelihood that you'll succeed in any given endeavor. So, don't beat yourself up about your body, your current fitness level, or your supposed lack of willpower. All that will do is demotivate you. Instead, look at your past mistakes and unhealthy choices as opportunities to learn and grow.

Check your expectations. You didn't get out of shape overnight, and you're not going to instantly transform your body either. Expecting too much, too soon only leads to frustration. Try not to be discouraged by what you can't accomplish or how far you have to go to reach your fitness goals. Instead of obsessing over results, focus on consistency. While the improvements in mood and energy levels may happen quickly, the physical payoff will come in time. You can also look into a medical spa and consult about body contouring treatments.

Excuses for not exercising

Making excuses for not exercising? Whether it’s lack of time or energy, or fear of the gym, there are solutions.

Busting the biggest exercise excuses
Excuse 1: “I hate exercising.”Solution: Many of us feel the same. If sweating in a gym or pounding a treadmill isn’t your idea of a great time, try to find an activity that you do enjoy—such as dancing—or pair physical activity with something more enjoyable. Take a walk at lunchtime through a scenic park, for example, walk laps of an air-conditioned mall while window shopping, walk, run, or bike with a friend, or listen to your favorite music while you move.
Excuse 2: “I’m too busy.”Solution: Even the busiest of us can find free time in our day for activities that are important. It’s your decision to make exercise a priority. And don’t think you need a full hour for a good workout. Short 5-, 10-, or 15-minute bursts of activity can prove very effective—so, too, can squeezing all your exercise into a couple of sessions over the weekend. If you’re too busy during the week, get up and get moving during the weekend when you have more time.
Excuse 3: ”I’m too tired.”Solution: It may sound counterintuitive, but physical activity is a powerful pick-me-up that actually reduces fatigue and boosts energy levels in the long run. With regular exercise, you’ll feel much more energized, refreshed, and alert at all times.
Excuse 4: “I’m too fat,” “I’m too old,” or “My health isn’t good enough.”Solution: It’s never too late to start building your strength and physical fitness, even if you’re a senior or a self-confessed couch potato who has never exercised before. Very few health or weight problems rule exercise out of the question, so talk to your doctor about a safe routine.
Excuse 5: “Exercise is too difficult and painful.”Solution: “No pain, no gain” is an outdated way of thinking about exercise. Exercise shouldn’t hurt. And you don’t have to push yourself until you’re soaked in sweat or every muscle aches to get results. You can build your strength and fitness by walking, swimming, or even playing golf, gardening, or cleaning the house.
Excuse 6: “I’m not athletic.”Solution: Still have nightmares from PE? You don’t have to be sporty or ultra-coordinated to get fit. Focus on easy ways to boost your activity level, like walking, swimming, or even working more around the house. Anything that gets you moving will work.

How much exercise do you need?

The key thing to remember about starting an exercise program is that something is always better than nothing. Going for a quick walk is better than sitting on the couch; one minute of activity will help you lose more weight than no activity at all. That said, the current recommendations for most adults is to reach at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week. You'll get there by exercising for 30 minutes, 5 times a week. Can't find 30 minutes in your busy schedule? It's okay to break things up. Two 15-minute workouts or three 10-minute workouts can be just as effective. Check out these alpine ice hack reviews.

How hard do I need to exercise?

Whether an activity is low, moderate, or vigorous intensity varies according to your personal fitness level. As a general guideline, though:

  • Low-intensity activity: You can easily talk in full sentences, or sing.
  • Moderate intensity: You can speak in full sentences, but not sing.
  • Vigorous intensity: You are too breathless to speak in full sentences.

For most people, aiming for moderate intensity exercise is sufficient to improve your overall health. You should breathe a little heavier than normal, but not be out of breath. Your body should feel warmer as you move, but not overheated or sweating profusely. While everyone is different, don't assume that training for a marathon is better than training for a 5K or 10K. There's no need to overdo it. Read more about alpine ice hack recipe.

For more on the types of exercise you should include and how hard you should work out, read Best Exercises for Health and Weight Loss.

Getting started safely

If you've never exercised before, or it's been a significant amount of time since you've attempted any strenuous physical activity, keep the following health precautions in mind:

Health issues? Get medical clearance first. If you have health concerns such as limited mobility, heart disease, asthma, diabetes, or high blood pressure, talk with your doctor before you start to exercise. This is the Best testosterone booster.

Warm up. Warm up with dynamic stretches—active movements that warm and flex the muscles you'll be using, such as leg kicks, walking lunges, or arm swings—and by doing a slower, easier version of the upcoming exercise. For example, if you're going to run, warm up by walking. Or if you're lifting weights, begin with a few light reps.

September 19, 2014 - Comments Off on The MechCast 306b: How has the Internet changed the way we listen to music? (Part 2)

The MechCast 306b: How has the Internet changed the way we listen to music? (Part 2)


    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is mandatory for all of us, who want to stay fit and active. Amidst the busy schedule that we follow, it becomes almost impossible to do so. Therefore, to help you with it, we are sharing some of the essential tips to stay healthy. Eating disorders often occurs from an unhealthy lifestyle and it is time to treat it by replacing with a healthy diet. The food we eat has a great impact in our health and therefore, we need to secure our health with a healthy food habit. It makes one of the best live in care services. Now, let us know about the 10 tips on maintaining a healthy diet.

    1. Have a Wholesome Breakfast: The first meal you have in a day is the breakfast and it needs to be a wholesome one. Proper balance of carbohydrates, protein, vitamin and other nutrients is essential for making the breakfast a wholesome one. Include juice, eggs, cereals and other foods that give you energy and strength.

    2. Include Fiber in Diet: It is essential for us to eat fiber-rich food products and therefore, you need to know about these foods. Wholegrains, fruits like oranges, melons, berries, vegetables like sweet corn, broccoli, carrots are some fiber-rich food items that you can include in the diet.

    3. Follow a Balanced Diet: You need to maintain a healthy diet that balances all the essential nutrients. Now, we all have different requirements based on our age, height, weight, gender and medical condition. Hence, the diet you follow needs to be based on your requirements. The usual ratio of carbohydrates, protein, and fat in our diet should be balanced depending upon the above aspects. Consulting a nutritionist will be the best option to follow your balanced diet.

    4. Eat Gluten-Free Products: Today, the nutritionists are referring to a gluten-free diet as there are several benefits of it. Firstly, it helps in proper digestion and immunity. Secondly, it helps you to reduce unhealthy fat in your body. Thirdly, it helps you to cure problems associated with gluten intolerance. You can find online articles and guidelines about gluten-free diet.

    5. Fruits and Vegetables: Including fruits and vegetables in your diet is essential for several reasons. These are the sources of vitamins and minerals that our body requires. Eating at least one fruit and vegetable every day will keep you fit and active as it will boost your immunity and reduce the chances of infection.

    6. Eat Protein-Rich Foods: Including a good proportion of protein is mandatory, as the experts suggest. Some of the sources of protein are meat, seafood, eggs, milk, cheese, lentils and soybeans. By consulting a nutritionist, you will be able to know the amount of protein you need to eat on a regular basis. Check these red boost reviews.

    7. Lower the Carbohydrates: When you are aiming to reduce body weight, your diet needs to be based upon low carb foods. Also, you need to eat the maximum amount of carbohydrates during your breakfast. In dinner, try to avoid carbohydrate-rich food as that can be harmful for the body.

    8. Dinner at 8 pm: The last meal you have in a day should not cross 8 or 9 pm. However, you can have supper after this time. Nutritionists suggest that early dinner is helpful for digestion and any food habit that helps you to digest better will be beneficial for weight loss. On the contrary, the later you have dinner, there will be higher chances of indigestion and related problems.

    9. Drink Plenty of Water: You need to ensure that you drink plenty of water everyday. As we already know, there are different diet charts for different fitness goals. Therefore, you need to know how much water you need to drink every day. Usually, the experts suggest that a adult needs to drink approximately 2.5-3.5 liters of water every day.

Published by: antonioortiz in The Mechcast
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September 12, 2014 - Comments Off on The MechCast 306a: How has the Internet changed the way we do Marketing

The MechCast 306a: How has the Internet changed the way we do Marketing

  • fMarketing done right can be an incredible boon for your business's net income. Done wrong, however, it can feel like throwing money into a raging bonfire. Because small business owners have to be whatever their small business needs -- all the time -- it can be difficult to master all the nuances that go into sales or marketing. If you're not a natural salesperson, it can be even more difficult. Fear not, experts from Blue Whale Media can help your business to reach out of the world.The following nine marketing tips for startups can help you make more sales, market better and waste less money. Get the best assistance from these professional affiliate management companies.

    Related: The 5 Stages Startups Must Go Through to Make That First $1 Million

    1. Sell the benefit, not a comparison.

    How you market yourself is all about highlighting what makes you different. There are three major ways to do that.

    • Cost (you know how to price a product better than the competition)
    • Quality (you're better)
    • A combination thereof (you offer the better value)

    But how you sell yourself is different than how you market yourself. You can tell someone that you provide a product or service that is cheaper or more effective than that of another business, but that doesn't say how much better you are going to make the customer's life.

    Selling is about the benefit. A comparison may highlight the features you offer, but you are always selling benefit.

    2. Listen to your customer.

    Sam Walton, WalMart's famed mass retail titan, started his empire in rural America. This was despite the prevailing business logic saying a mass retailer anywhere but in a city with a concentrated population would fail. The logic was, if you wanted to move mass quantities of goods, you needed mass quantities of people.

    But Walton knew his customers because he would frequently listen to them firsthand. He was aware that people who lived in rural and suburban areas often bought in larger quantities because they had larger families or needed more goods to keep their own small businesses stocked and running. Walton listened to his customers, and the result is the largest, most powerful brick and mortar retailer in the world. The customer may at times defy logic, but they are always right. Listen to them.

    3. Market your product before it's ready.

    Some businesses wait until their product is perfect before they do any marketing or awareness campaigning. That can be a costly mistake. Many businesses expect to sell their product as soon as it's ready. But if no one knows about it, then demand will start at zero until you undergo a marketing campaign to build brand awareness for potential customers.

    It's better to do preemptive awareness campaigning, even if it's minimal, to let potential customers know your product is coming. You can sell the benefit before the product has arrived. This way, when the product is ready, so are customers!

    4. Think outside the box.

    The marketing landscape has dramatically changed since I started my first business more than 30 years ago. Back then, there were no search engines or social media platforms. There was no internet as we know it. Now, startups can utilize a bevy of free, online marketing techniques that are both creative and effective. For example, you can use online video marketing, social media, blog influencers, crowdsourcing, competitions, content marketing, thought leadership and more. If you are looking for fast connections at an affordable price point, check out Compare Internet's blog post.

    Related: 5 Social Media Studies That Will Boost Your Marketing Skills

    5. Test fast. Fail fast.

    Marketing that you can't measure is failed marketing. Sure, you may spend money to do some advertisement, and you may even see an uptick in sales around the same time you ran the ads. But how can you be sure what you spent on ads correlates with sales? Maybe it was something else altogether. Maybe there is a natural, seasonal uptick for what you sell that will go away in a month.

    If you're going to commit time and money to a marketing campaign, make sure you can measure the results. Set up ways to track conversions that stem from each marketing campaign. Also, run multiple types of marketing campaigns in distinct, small batches. This will allow you to compare marketing channels and see which perform best. Toss out the ones that don't work and keep those that do.

    6. Advertise from multiple angles.

    As mentioned above, it's good to test multiple marketing channels and ideas to see what works best. Often, it's not any one thing but a combination of all of the above. When your customer hears you on the radio, sees you in a search engine result, and then finds you mentioned in a blog they like (content marketing), they start to accept your brand as a solid, dependable, known entity. They may not have the need for your product or service immediately, but when they do, it will be your name that comes to mind instead of a competitor's.

    7. It's always time for PR.

    When you do traditional advertising, it's your marketing material selling your product. When you do PR, or have a member of the press or a media house that covers your industry talk about you, it's brand building and endorsement.

    Some people call it landing-page flair or credibility building, but, if your company is featured in Mashable or The Wall Street Journal, you'd be silly not to put that paper's name on the front of your company's website. Even if your company was only mentioned by way of a quote from your CEO, you are still "as mentioned in The Wall Street Journal." When customers see that publication's name next to your company's name, it builds credibility.

Published by: antonioortiz in The Mechcast
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June 18, 2013 - Comments Off on Project Loon: Balloon-powered internet for everyone.

Project Loon: Balloon-powered internet for everyone.

The idea does sound crazy, even for Google—so much so that the company has dubbed it Project Loon. But if all works according to the company’s grand vision, hundreds, even thousands, of high-pressure balloons circling the earth could provide Internet to a significant chunk of the world’s 5 billion unconnected souls, enriching their lives with vital news, precious educational materials, lifesaving health information, and images of grumpy cats.


via Exclusive: How Google Will Use Balloons to Deliver Internet to the Hinterlands.

Once again Steven Levy is granted exclusive access to the world of Google and Project Loon. This redefines the concept of mobile computing.


Published by: antonioortiz in The Thinking Mechanism
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