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April 16, 2009 - Comments Off on Typography for the Web—NY Web Standards Meetup

Typography for the Web—NY Web Standards Meetup

This month, I presented "Typography for the Web" at the NY Web Standards Meetup. Right now, typography on the web has been receiving lots of attention from both designers and developers alike—designers wanting to know what their constraints are and developers wanting to know the best practices for implementing advanced typography. I covered a wide range of topics so that people can continue to research and learn about this rapidly-changing field.

Slides, photos, video and audio from "Typography for the Web"

Listen to the event: [audio:nywebstandardsTypographyForTheWeb-20.mp3]

Watch "Typography for the Web" on and view photos from it on Flickr!

Here is a list of resources that follow along with the topics covered in the presentation:

Building a foundation

Formatting headings

Noticing the details

And more!

What are some of your favorite typography resources? How do you feel about one type of replacement technique over another? Please continue the conversation in the comments below

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Published by: christygurga in The Programming Mechanism
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