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October 5, 2009 - Comments Off on New York Web Standards Meetup—HTML5 part two (links and resources)

New York Web Standards Meetup—HTML5 part two (links and resources)

Links to resources from last month's HTML5 Part Two: Canvas, Web Forms 2.0, Audio and Video presentation to the New York Web Standards Meetup by Mike Taylor (TuenCore) and Jeffrey Barke (theMechanism). Thanks to everyone who attended!

See also:

Published by: jeffreybarke in The Thinking Mechanism
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September 23, 2009 - Comments Off on New York Web Standards Meetup—HTML5 part two

New York Web Standards Meetup—HTML5 part two

The New York Web Standards Meetup will meet tomorrow (24 September 2009) at theMechanism at 7:00 pm.

Mike Taylor ( and Jeffrey Barke (theMechanism) will continue last month's presentation on HTML5 by covering Web Forms 2.0 and the canvas, audio and video elements.

The canvas element can be used to draw graphics using JavaScript, while the audio and video elements permit native embedding of those media elements in the browser. Web Forms 2.0 provides, among other things, strongly-typed input fields, new attributes for defining constraints and new DOM interfaces

HTML5 Part Two: Canvas, Web Forms 2.0, Audio and Video
24 September 2009 . 7:00 pm
440 9th Avenue 8th Floor
New York, NY 10001 [map]

RSVP now!

Please note—This meetup is currently full and the waiting list is quite long. If you know you won't be able to make it, please update your RSVP.

Please contact theMechanism if you'd like to present at a future New York Web Standards meetup.

Published by: jeffreybarke in The Programming Mechanism
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September 2, 2009 - Comments Off on NY Web Standards Meetup—HTML5 part one

NY Web Standards Meetup—HTML5 part one

August 27, 2009 - Comments Off on Liveblogging the New York Web Standards Meetup—Getting started with HTML5

Liveblogging the New York Web Standards Meetup—Getting started with HTML5

Mike Taylor ( will give a brief overview of (the current state of) HTML5, focusing primarily on browser support, new elements and their corresponding semantics and getting CSS to play along. He will also review how the front-end team at TuneCore is implementing these new features into a production site today.


What is HTML5?

And why should I care?

HTML5 is the next version of HTML; primarily aimed at web applications. Began as the Web Applications Spec in a W3C Working Group.

Why going back to HTML, why not continuing XHTML? We're not; HTML5 is both HTML and XHTML. Can write it either way you prefer.

  • New semantic elements
  • Rich DOM APIs (local storage, native drag & drop, content editable fields, web forms 2.0)
  • Rich embedded content (<audio>, <video>, <canvas>)

Mike personally finds the web forms 2.0 the most exciting. Opera 10 is the only who currently supports web forms 2.0.

In this talk, primarily going to cover new semantic elements.

Read more

Published by: jeffreybarke in The Programming Mechanism
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