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May 20, 2010 - Comments Off on Live blogging Google I/O: HTML5 status update
Live blogging Google I/O: HTML5 status update
May 20, 2010 - Comments Off on Live blogging Google I/O: Optimize every bit of your site serving and web pages with Page Speed
Live blogging Google I/O: Optimize every bit of your site serving and web pages with Page Speed
Bryan McQuade
Richard Rabbat
Published by: jeffreybarke in The Programming Mechanism
Tags: google-io
May 20, 2010 - Comments Off on Developing web apps for the Chrome web store
Developing web apps for the Chrome web store
Erik Kay
Yesterday's keynote recap
* Web apps
* Chrome web store
Two perspectives on web apps
* Users: How can I get better web apps?
* Developers: How do I make money doing this?
From a user perspective, web apps can be difficult to find. Awareness.
No authoritative place for web apps. Web apps may contain a lot of contain, but generally doesn't contain content that can be crawled and indexed in the standard way.
The cheaper the purchase is, the more the trust and convenience issues get in the way.
Web apps are special to users, but the browser treats it like any other page.
Web apps don't have a shortcut to launch them, don't have deep OS integration. Etc.
Security model of browser is good, because able to trust most links. Part of model enforces limited capabilities. There are times we'd like the web app to do more, but no way to indicate this trust.
Web store link will be integrated tightly with the Chrome. Link always there.
Apps launched from the apps tab will display differently. Address bar hidden (to make the app central). The actual app tab will be smaller, but the favicon will be larger. Trying to treat the app as a first-class citizen.
How to monetize web apps
If costs are high and traffic is low, you don't get to set the price, it sets itself.
Need to integrate with payment processors.
In order to attract the most users, must target the least capable browser.
Web store wants to handle licensing and payment for you. Web is not a captive audience--not like the other phone app stores.
Pushing us to just use Chrome (???) and the Chrome web store. A lot of users on Chrome. Explicitly said, "We don't need to target the lowest browser anymore." Interesting (especially since the web app is available on the web) and a lot of these features aren't even supported in Firefox. Reminds me a lot of what Gears promised two years ago (and never delivered). And then it was gone.
Any app can go in the web store (HTML, Flash).
Can add a JSON manifest and icons for packaging to the store.
Can add permissions at install time to remove some of the browser's security model!
Can add permissions property to JSON manifest (array of required permissions).
If user trusts and installs the app, then will not be constantly prompted by the browser.
Installation similar to an extension.
Google Maps added geolocation support for select browers. (hadn't noticed this before)
Action items
* FAQ:
* Docs:
* Build a really cool web app
* Join the discussions
Developer preview this summer and then open to public in the fall.
Published by: jeffreybarke in The Programming Mechanism
Tags: chrome, google
May 20, 2010 - Comments Off on Live blogging Google I/O: Google Analytics APIs: End to end
Live blogging Google I/O: Google Analytics APIs: End to end
Nick Mihailovski
First time GA has done anything at Google I/O.
Four components
* Processing
* Management
* Data collection
* Data exporting
Core processing
Dimensions: Strings (80 dimensions)
Metrics: Numeric values (95 metrics)
1. Logs (collection)
2. Goals, filters, profile settings (management)
3. Data structure (processing)
4. Functions (processing)
5. Tables (processing)
6. Query engine (export)
Core visitor interaction model
Visitor/session/hit levels
1x1 tracking pixel with a number of parameters appended. Three of these parameters relate to visitor, session, hits.
Their back end parses their logs and sorts and stores based on parameters.
int visits(Session session, int index) {
[Too quick to get these code snippets]
Developer platform
Data types (several)
Protocol (_utm.gif)
Client libraries:
* JavaScript (ga.js)
* Android SDK
* iPhone SDK
* Mobile websites
* ActionScript 3
** Flash/Flex/Air
* Silverlight
Account Management
Data types:
* Accounts
* Web properties
* Profiles
* Goals
* Advanced segments
* Google data
Data export API
Protocol: Google Data
Client libraries:
* Java
* JavaScript
* Python
* .Net (C#)
* Ruby
* Perl
Use the Data feed query explorer (in Google Labs)
Example integration
Using visitor behavior to optimize user experience: ranking a number
Start with a list of unordered links. Can use GA to track the number of times people click on these links.
Demo is powered by MAMP; hopefully the code will be made available. (Definitely need this code)
Two parts to the demo:
1. How to send data explicitly to GA
2. How to retrieve data from GA
Part one was implemented with PHP and JS
Part two is a scheduled .Java application
Recently introduced asynchronous tracking (to avoid blocking the browser).
Working on a better developer ecosystem:
Working on a better turn-around time than 24-hours.
Working on complete data export, but difficult because they store it as a cube. The current export API is actually more of a query API.
Published by: jeffreybarke in The Programming Mechanism
Tags: google analytics, google-io
May 20, 2010 - Comments Off on Live blogging Google I/O: Keynote day two
Live blogging Google I/O: Keynote day two
Vic Gundotra
Opens with an anecdote of how he got involved with Android at Google.
In 18 months, 60 compatible devices. Q408 to Q210.
21 OEMs, 48 countries, 59 carriers.
A review of the accomplishments/adoption numbers of Android.
50,000 applications in the Android marketplace.
5x growth in mobile search '08-'10 (all phones)
Android 2.2 Froyo announced. JiT compiler. 2x-5x speed up in applications.
Microsoft Exchange friendly:
* auto-discovery
* security policies
* GAL lookup
New SDK features:
Application Data Backup API
Cloud-to-device messaging API (this is impressive)
** From desktop, driving directions sent to phone. Phone picks up message not as text, but as "intent," immediately launches navigation application.
Tethering & portable hotspot
The Froyo browser has a 2x-3x increase in JS performance. Doing laps around Eclair and the iPad.
Amazing voice recognition capabilities! Voice input will be a first-class means of interacting with Android.
Android will support Flash and AIR. Digs at Apple.
Improvements to marketplace:
* Easier to search/find apps
* Search inside apps
* Move to SD cards
* Allow automatic updating
Application error reports: on crash user can send error report to the application developer.
Developers can see the entire stack-trace of what happened.
Can search the marketplace via the PC. If logged in and purchase an app, app will be sent to device instead of having to tether and sync device with PC.
Published by: jeffreybarke in The Programming Mechanism
May 19, 2010 - Comments Off on Google Charts Toolkit: Google’s new unified approach for creating dynamic charts on the web
Google Charts Toolkit: Google’s new unified approach for creating dynamic charts on the web
Michael Fink
Amit Weinstein
First demo:
Google Chart Tools
Mission: Make the world's structured data universally accessible & useful by providing enticing visualizations.
1. Image charts: server side rendering
2. Interactive charts: Client side interactivity
3. Under the hood
4. Combining server side rendering with client side interactivity
Image charts
The Google Chart API. The URL contains the parameters of the chart you wish to receive.
Launched a chart editor yesterday:
Started out with charts, but realized there's a lot of rendering needs they could meet in the same way.
* Math
* QR codes
* Dynamic icons
* Flags
Interactive charts
Hundreds or thousands of hours spent developing charts in-house for Google needs. Decided to give back to community.
The interactive chart gallery is really a community effort.
* New look and feel for interactive charts (launched yesterday)
** Color palette
** Layout (negative vs positive space)
* New chart combinations to be released in the next few weeks
Demo site: BackPaki
Wiki page for backpackers.
Nice integration of interactive chart with the Google Maps API.
[Review the code snippet]
goog.bind(function(e) {
Google Charts defines data table. Can use a query to bind the visualization to a Google spreadsheet.
The remote data sources provided by Google can be a Google spreadsheet, Java library or Python Code Security Checker. Users can use a PHP or Ruby on Rails.
Using the Google API, can convert your data to XML and then use the WP_Cumulus plugin (Flash-based).
Image charts
* Static image
* URL access
* <1s
Interactive charts
* Interactive experience
* Data remains on client
* Basic JavaScript
* Data manipulation functions
In past year, wanted to combine the two efforts: server-side rendering with client-side interactivity.
Interactive GraphViz
When making request to server, receiving two things: a static image as well as the layout. That static image makes use of server-side rendering and caching, while the layout permits client-side interactivity.
Google Chart Tools
1. Rich gallery
2. Free of charge
3. Highly customizable
4. Interactive playground
5. Active developer group
6. Live data from many sources
7. Easy to adopt and simple to use
8. Detailed documentation and examples
Published by: jeffreybarke in The Programming Mechanism
May 19, 2010 - Comments Off on Live blogging Google I/O: Developing with HTML5
Live blogging Google I/O: Developing with HTML5
Arne Roomann-Kurrik
Mihai Florin Ionescu
Presentation built with HTML5.
* The road to HTML5
* HTML5 and Google Chrome
* HTML5 primer and building an HTML5 application
* Demos
* Key take-aways
* Developer resources
* Q&A
1990: First webpage
1994: HTML 2
1995: JavaScript
1995: CSS1
1997: HTML4
1998: CSS 2
2002: XmlHttpRequest
2005: Ajax
2009: HTML5
Google Chrome: Where are we now?
* 70+ million users
* 28 stable releases or updates
* 300% JavaScript performance improvement
* HTML5 support for web application development
Demo: Chromabrush
Check out
* The canvas element: Low level control over rendering (really need to do some work with canvas)
* Multimedia: audio and video (point to webm video)
* Worker threads to avoid browser blocking (definitely need to learn more about this)
* Desktop experience (drag and drop)
Notifications are currently exclusive to Chrome.
Nice real world demo of thumbplay music. Not sure if this demo is live yet or if it's an internal beta for them. Possibly. Drag and drop is done using jQuery, since native drag and drop isn't ready for prime-time yet.
New, HTML5-enabled TweetDeck demo. An internal piece of research. Wasn't sure if it was possible.
* HTML5 gaining momentum
* Browser innovation accelerating
* Parity with desktop apps
* Developer community participation essential
Published by: jeffreybarke in The Programming Mechanism
May 19, 2010 - Comments Off on Live blogging Google I/O: Map once, map anywhere: Developing geospatial applications for both desktop and mobile
Live blogging Google I/O: Map once, map anywhere: Developing geospatial applications for both desktop and mobile
Mano Marks
Chad Killingsworth
Write once, run anywhere
* Mobile is hot
* Desktop is still hote
* Save development time
* Overview of Geo APIs
* Different options for mobile
* UI considerations
* Geolocation
* Real world app
Options for Google Maps on Mobile
* Maps API V3 in browser
* iPhone native MapKit
* Android native MapView
* Hybrid native with browser
* Static Maps API
[Need chart for comparison] V3 is the clear winner.
And now street view:
* HTML5 canvas 2D
* HTML 4
* WebGL
WebGL has the best performance.
Easy to add street view to the map: map.setOptions({ streetViewControl: true });
Browser based maps
* Full JavaScript browsers
* Access to some phone features
* Write once
* Rapid development
* No App Store/Marketplace process
* No App Store/Marketplace discoverability
Native APIs
MapKit on iPhone
MapView on Android
App Store/Marketplace discoverability
* App Store/Marketplace launch process
* Slight performance increase
* Harder development
* No support outside of platform
Hybrid native apps with embedded browser
WebView on Andorid
uiWebView in iPhone
Access to additional features of phone
Rapid development of map
Map is write once, but app is write per platform
Static Maps API
* Any browser
* Lightweight and fast
* No features of modern APIs
* Write once, run anywhere
** and really, anywhere
UI considerations
* Size of screen layout
** Make your <div>s flexible
** Vary your chrome by browser or screen size
* Touch events
* Native vs browser look and feel
** iUi
** Device provides location
** Mobile often gives GPS location
** Desktop browser gives IP or wifi (use this recommended site to get the best wifi services)
* IP-based
** IP lookup
** Coarse
** Google Ajax API ClientLocation (or other provider)
[Demo of HTML5 geolocation]
Campus Map demo
* Wide variety of audiences using maps
* Visitors and guests will visit the web site
* Frequent users prefer the convenience of an application
* Only enough resources to maintain one code base
* Shared datasets with version 2 map
* Early on- lack of features
* User interface with small, touch-based screen
Hybrid application
* Performance concerns (with proper optimizations, not a great concern)
* It felt like "cheating"
* Use KML layers for complicated data (for panning)
* Compress JavaScript (Closure-Compiler)
* Delay loading the maps API so as not to block page rendering (use the boot loader and then dynamically add script tag to page)
* Use Google page speed
View uncompressed source of University of Missouri campus map
A: Pinch-to-zoom only works on the iPhone, because that's the only browser that exposes those events to JavaScript.
Published by: jeffreybarke in The Programming Mechanism
Tags: google-io
May 19, 2010 - Comments Off on Live blogging Google I/O: Beyond JavaScript: programming the web with native code
Live blogging Google I/O: Beyond JavaScript: programming the web with native code
David Springer
Ian Lewis
* Internals and technical details
* Security model
Talked about this last year.
Native Client = NaCl (na-kkle)
Overview: What is NaCl
* A portable system for verifying and executing untrusted native code in the browser.
** High performance like C++
** Safe and portable like JS
* A runtime sandbox
** "Virtual Mini-POSIX"
** Standard operating system services
*** Kernel (Chrome)
*** Window manager
*** Media layer (Pepper)
** Identical on every supported platform (Mac, Windows, Linux)
NaCl: What is it good for?
* Port desktop applications to the web
** Zero install
** Native performance
* Enchance web apps with...
** Existing C/C++ libraries (libcrypt, CGAL, etc)
** New high-performance compiled code
* Sandbox existing plugin code
** Stop asking users to trust your code
Lunch ain't free
* Must compile verifiable code
** Minor performance penalty
** Generally large executables
* Some *nix syscalls are unavailable
** Process creation
** Direct network/file access
* Still some rough edges
How does this make my life better?
* Native performance
* Platform-independent multimedia
* Your choice of language
* Low-level system services
* The end of: The "do you trust this publisher" confirm installation box. Asks user to make an impossible choice.
Demo: unity
Unity game Lego Starwars. Four guys ported game in four weeks. Not super difficult thing to do.
The NaCl SDK
SDK goodies
* C/C++ toolchain
* Standard GNU libraries
* "Pepper"
** NPAPI-like interface
** Audio/video
** OpenGL ES 2.0
* JavaScript interop
* Sample code and build scripts
Using the SDK
* Build with standard GNU toolchain
* Run in web browser
** Server required
* Debug with GDB-compatible debugger
** via GDB stub
Anatomy of a NaCl application
- Install the SDK
- Organize project directories and files:
- application
- nacl
- c_salt
The HTML and CSS is straightforward.
Coming attractions
* Full debugger support
** GDB
** Visual Studio
* IDE plugins
** Eclipse
** Visual Studio
** Xcode
* Easy to use interop library
* P-NaCl (portable NaCl) (pinnacle)
Published by: jeffreybarke in The Programming Mechanism