May 19, 2010 - Comments Off on Live blogging Google I/O: Developing with HTML5

Live blogging Google I/O: Developing with HTML5

Arne Roomann-Kurrik
Mihai Florin Ionescu

Presentation built with HTML5.


* The road to HTML5
* HTML5 and Google Chrome
* HTML5 primer and building an HTML5 application
* Demos
* Key take-aways
* Developer resources
* Q&A

1990: First webpage
1994: HTML 2
1995: JavaScript
1995: CSS1
1997: HTML4
1998: CSS 2
2002: XmlHttpRequest
2005: Ajax
2009: HTML5

Google Chrome: Where are we now?

* 70+ million users
* 28 stable releases or updates
* 300% JavaScript performance improvement
* HTML5 support for web application development

Demo: Chromabrush

Check out

* The canvas element: Low level control over rendering (really need to do some work with canvas)
* Multimedia: audio and video (point to webm video)
* Worker threads to avoid browser blocking (definitely need to learn more about this)
* Desktop experience (drag and drop)

Notifications are currently exclusive to Chrome.

Nice real world demo of thumbplay music. Not sure if this demo is live yet or if it's an internal beta for them. Possibly. Drag and drop is done using jQuery, since native drag and drop isn't ready for prime-time yet.

New, HTML5-enabled TweetDeck demo. An internal piece of research. Wasn't sure if it was possible.

* HTML5 gaining momentum
* Browser innovation accelerating
* Parity with desktop apps
* Developer community participation essential

Published by: jeffreybarke in The Programming Mechanism

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