October 10, 2011 - Comments Off on Maesters and Meandering
Maesters and Meandering
Brief morning meeting this lovely Monday (where did this sudden heat wave come from?). Injured a finger on my left, dominant, hand over the weekend but I can still draw and type fine thank god.
Some really interesting stuff coming out of Siggraph 2010 it seems. Some of the texturing papers, like the polished chrome one in this trailer, are simply amazing. Won't be long before we're seeing these technologies (more realistic hair anyone?) in Pixar and Dreamworks films, slowly followed by the gaming industry.
An interesting, and inspiring, link from over the weekend: this mesmerizing music video for the song "Look" by Sebastian Tellier (possibly NSFW). I'm still undecided as to if this is 3D, 2D or a mix. It could possibly be layered 2D animation but parts definitely feel very 3D ramp rendered.
And lastly a truly original exploration of the power of line in 3D space using wire. Gavin Worth takes Calderesque wire sculpture to a whole other, though granted 2-dimensional, level. I feel like this would be great practice for any sketch artist. It's almost like amazing real life vector art. I especially like how the work takes on the texture of its environment (here a lightly patterned white wall). Simultaneously, the figures illustrate just how much information our brains fill in, giving these flat pieces an extremely strong illusion of depth. Click here for more.
Published by: benchirlin in The Sketching Mechanism
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