April 1, 2011 - Comments Off on The Thinking Mechanism – 4.1.11
The Thinking Mechanism – 4.1.11
The Thinking Mechanism is a series of weekly posts, published on Fridays, covering the ideas The Mechanism is thinking and talking about with our peers and clients.
• Apple's Worldwide Developer's Conference sold out in less than 10 hours. Two years ago it sold out in 30 days. Last year in little over a week. This year the focus is exclusively software, everything about the upcoming Mac OS X Lion update and the future of iOS. Xcode, the collection of tools needed to develop for both platforms, is easily available to anyone interested, you no longer have to sign up to the developer's program in order to acquire it, you can purchase it from the App Store for $4.99. Easier access to the tools means more interesting and cool apps in our future.
• It's time for a Browser Benchmark Battle: Chrome 10 vs. IE9 vs. Firefox 4. Beyond benchmarks, why do you use the browser you use?
• Color, the well-funded app of the moment, has gone from heavily hyped to experiencing backlash with amazing speed. Billed as an impromptu location and photo based social network, it sounded like an interesting concept full of potential, but instead the concept is poorly implemented with bad UI. This fantastic review paints the whole picture.
• Twitter succumbed to user pressure and removed the Quickbar from it's iPhone application. We suspect the return of Jack Dorsey to the company he founded had something to do with the removal. Intended to display trending topics, the Quickbar really was a disruptive eyesore that often displayed topics of little interest to the user. Too much Bieber, Kutcher, Gaga and not enough of the things and topics that the people we actually follow were discussing. Although the Quickbar may have had the side effect of introducing most of the world to, according to reports, the most influential person on twitter: Brazilian @RafinhaBastos.
• Today we've been asking ourselves, what the hell happened to Skype?
• Did you know the word gullible is not in Wikipedia?
Published by: antonioortiz in The Thinking Mechanism
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