via Webmonkey:
Variables in cascading stylesheets are now available in the nightly WebKit build.
CSS without variables:
//Sets the background of the page and tables to the hex code for the color grey
body {
background-color: #eceae1;
table {
background-color: #eceae1;
With CSS variables:
//Defines "DefaultBGColor" to light gray
@variables {
DefaultBGColor: #eceae1;
//Sets the background and any table on the page to the default background color
body {
background-color: var(DefaultBGColor);
table {
background-color: var(DefaultBGColor);
Jeffrey Barke is senior developer and information architect at theMechanism, a multimedia firm with offices in New York, London and Durban, South Africa.
Published by: jeffreybarke in The Programming Mechanism
Tags: CSS, safari, webkit
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