June 27, 2008 - Comments Off on Victor Tsaran: “An Introduction to Screen Readers”

Victor Tsaran: “An Introduction to Screen Readers”

One of our loyal monthly attendees of the New York Web Standards Meetup sent us a link to a video by Victor Tsaran, an accessibility engineer at Yahoo! who focuses on developing best practices for the creation of websites that work well with screen readers. In this video, he provides an important introduction to some of the things that work well in the world of screen readers and others that do not. Web designers and programmers who are curious about how people use software like JAWS would benefit from watching this 25 minute video of Victor navigating his desktop and explaining the process. It’s encouraging to see that Yahoo! has a proactive stance on accessibility.

Thanks again to Joe Devon for sending this around to our list:

Published by: davefletcher in The Programming Mechanism

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