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June 11, 2008 - Comments Off on Custom cursors and pseudo-class descendant selectors in IE 6

Custom cursors and pseudo-class descendant selectors in IE 6


It's been awhile since I had to implement a custom cursor, but I figured it wouldn't be a problem—just set the cursor property to url(path/to/cursor.cur), right? Of course it's never that simple…

The full scoop can be found here, but in summary we need three rules:

cursor: url(cursor.cur), url(cursor/cursor.cur), default;

cursor: url(cursor.cur); works in Safari, but we need to add default to make it work in Firefox. url(cursor/cursor.cur) is for IE, since the base URI is the source element, not the style sheet.

A nice table/demo of CSS2 and CSS3 cursors can be found at

Pseudo-class descendant selectors in IE 6

I just discovered that it is possible to use pseudo-class descendant selectors in IE 6 and put together a demo/tutorial.

Jeffrey Barke is senior developer and information architect at theMechanism, a multimedia firm with offices in New York, London and Durban, South Africa.

Published by: jeffreybarke in The Programming Mechanism
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December 20, 2007 - 6 comments

24 ways… Transparent PNGs in Internet Explorer 6

For the past three years, 24 ways has been the Advent calendar of choice for web developers. This year started off with an excellent article and script by Drew McLellan dealing with PNGs in IE5.5 and 6.

If you work with PNGs or plan to, this is a very concise and informative article. It quickly describes how PNG transparency works, outlines the problem with IE 6 and below, provides a solution, and details the limitations of this solution. I really can't recommend it enough.


As if this information wasn't enough, Drew then introduces SuperSleight, a JavaScript that automates support for PNG transparency in IE5.5 and 6. Based on sleight by Aaron Boodman and bgsleight by Drew McLellan, "SuperSleight adds a number of new and useful features that have come from the day-to-day needs of working with PNGs:"

  • Works with both inline and background images, replacing the need for both sleight and bgsleight.
  • Will automatically apply position: relative to links and form fields if they don't already have position set. (Can be disabled.)
  • Can be run on the entire document or just a selected part where you know the PNGs are. This is better for performance.
  • Detects background images set to no-repeat and sets the scaleMode to crop rather than scale.
  • Can be re-applied by any other JavaScript in the page—useful if new content has been loaded by an Ajax request.

Since we use PNGs quite a bit at theMechanism, SuperSleight was of great interest to us, particularly in the London office. When I looked at the code, however, there was one thing I didn't like—to change two of SuperSleight's properties required changing values hard-coded in the object. To change the third required a separate call to the limitTo method.

Enter theMechanism

To make SuperSleight easier to implement for my colleagues in London, I added three parameters to the init and run methods of the supersleight object. Our version of SuperSleight (which I'm calling 1.1.0) is available here and partial instructions on how to use it are below. The primary documentation on SuperSleight is still Drew's 24 Ways article. You can see SuperSleight 1.1.0 in action here.

How to Use

  1. Download SuperSleight and unzip. Upload supersleight.js and x.gif to your webserver.
  2. Add the following code to the <head> element of any page that contains PNGs:

<!--[if lte IE 6]>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/supersleight.js"></script>

That's it! By default, SuperSleight will run on page load, look for a transparent GIF named x in the same directory as supersleight.js, apply relative positioning to anchor and input elements, and process every PNG on the page. To change any of these default behaviors, open supersleight.js and edit or remove line 17:


The init method of the supersleight object takes three optional parameters:

  1. String path to the transparent gif file. Note this path is relative to the actual document, not the JavaScript document.
  2. Boolean value to apply relative positioning to anchor and input elements. Pass false to leave the elements as they are.
  3. String ID of an element to limit SuperSleight's operations to.

To see these parameters in operation, plese view our SuperSleight demo in IE 6 or less.

To call SuperSleight from a script, use the run method of the supersleight object. This method takes the same three optional parameters as the init method.

Download SuperSleight 1.1.0
View SuperSleight Demo

Published by: jeffreybarke in The Programming Mechanism
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