July 29, 2011 - Comments Off on The Thinking Mechanism – 7/29/11
The Thinking Mechanism – 7/29/11
The Thinking Mechanism is a series of weekly posts, published on Fridays, covering the ideas The Mechanism is thinking and talking about with our peers and clients.
The week in quick links:
• Now that you finally got an invite, how Spotify works.
• Google Offers To Re-Write Your Webpages On The Fly, Promising 25% To 60% Speed Improvements.
• OK GO's next viral hit, featuring Pilobolus, goes interactive with Chrome: All Is Not Lost.
• Apple makes Xcode free to all with release of 4.1 on Mac App Store.
• Information Architects - Should you scroll or flip pages on the screen?
• Think Quarterly by Google hits the US with The Innovation Issue.
• This is why your newspaper is dying.
• And lastly, Lucas loses Star Wars copyright case at Supreme Court.
Published by: antonioortiz in The Thinking Mechanism
Tags: apple, george lucas, google, IA, information architecture, spotify, Xcode