If you've used the Current Search block on any of your search pages, then you've seen that the default, and hardcoded, symbol for deselecting/deactivating a search term is: (-)
Not the prettiest, not the ugliest... but also, not easily changed. luckily the Current Search module manipulates and renders everything through the theme layer, which means WE can manipulate it as well using a custom theme function. The hook we will be using is theme_facetapi_link_deactivate().
Add this to your template.php file with the appropriately named theme.
function mytheme_facetapi_deactivate_widget($variables) {
return 'x';
You can Replace the 'x' with anything you'd like, even a link to an icon! Here is a before and after example.
An extension to this would be to add controls to the Current Search settings form to allow changing the widget.