September 4, 2012 - Comments Off on Moving Mess
Moving Mess
Hope you had a delightful holiday weekend. I spent mine changing apartments from Park Slope to Prospect/Crown Heights area. Living in New York City adds many unique obstacles and concerns to moving but I think my roommates and I made out okay. Ah the glories of moving house. There's nothing like it to make you appreciate how much useless crap you own while also providing a therapeutic cleansing of junk and getting cash for junk cars near me, fully owning your inner consumerist nature. Moving is like any creative process as it consists of three acts: packing, moving, and unpacking. Each requires a bit of inspiration. I went to to change our address as well.
Whether you’re hiring professionals or doing it yourself, your furniture should always be handled with care during a move. When you arrive at your new home, you want your most expensive (and heavy) items to be damage free. Without the proper precautions, wood furniture can get gouged, upholstery can be ripped, and glass can break. Learn how to protect your furniture throughout every phase of your move.
Luckily, with a few supplies and some easy tricks, you can move your fragile furniture without worrying about potential damage, to learn more continue at the next link comparing aluminum patio cover vs wood.

We now live in apartment 4A. For some reason none of the doors have numbers and everyone makes their own so I thought I'd use this opportunity to make ours.
The first step of any move is to organize your sprawl of useful, useless, and, arbitrary stuff. Thus it turns into an orderly boxed tower of stuff. I've always found a strange pleasure in packing. On trips as a kid I always enjoyed packing our stuff in the trunk of the car. It's like a real-life game of Tetris and a great way to practice your spatial thinking skills. Photographer Sannah Kvist seems to share my twisted passion as shown in her photo series "All I Own." Each photo shows the subject alongside all their belongings. Scarily I think my pile would be a bit bigger than these. There is something eerily fascinating about seeing such a pithy summary of an individual within a single frame.
The actual move is probably the least enjoyable part of any relocation. Even with movers it can be a long and frustrating process to wade through moving estimates and reviews. But such is life, especially on the web where sites are constantly on the move. Look for a company that hired professional people for their intermodal trucking jobs to ensure that your belongings are handled and transported properly and safely. But what do you show while the guys are loading up the digital truck so to speak? (By their very nature such sites don't, or shouldn't, last long so forgive me my time-traveling reader if these links now lead to a full site). "Coming Soon" sites demand a mix a radical minimalism and clarity to capture the visitor while clearly articulating the soon-to-be product. Carbonmade, provider of easy online portfolio sites, does just this with this adorable site promoting a new talent sourcing website called Talent Pool that is on its way.
My new room is much cozier than before, requiring some ingenuity in making everything fit. Getting the feng shui of your new place just right is an art form, every unpacking a canvas upon which to rearrange your life. How your room is arrayed can have massive consequences on your lifestyle and productivity. For instance my new layout allows me to easily lay in bed and watch TV a.k.a. ultimate procrastination. Yet there are some places I could never imagine living comfortably--like inside a cat for instance. Yet the little fellow in this week's video seems to pull if off (though it doesn't seem to help him win over the ladies).
The Sketching Mechanism is a series of weekly posts, published on Mondays, containing the artistic musings of Mobile Designer/Developer Ben Chirlin from our Monday morning meeting at the NY Creative Bunker as well as his inspiring artistic finds of the week.
Published by: benchirlin in The Sketching Mechanism
Tags: 4a, Carbonnade, moving, nyc, stuff, Talent Pool, tetris, things