August 17, 2012 - Comments Off on Adding new fields to Drupal’s Addressfield
Adding new fields to Drupal’s Addressfield
Drupal 7's commerce module is extremely powerful due in large part to being built on the new entity framework. One of the submodules under the hood of commerce is addressfield, which stores xNAL compliant addresses for customer profiles. It stores the basic street(s), city, state, zip/postal code, country. For the purposes of commerce, this is an appropriate solution. However, if you want to capture more data for taking orders, or use this field in a non-commerce application, you may want to have additional fields included.
To this end, we can add more fields as 'formatters' to the addressfield module. There is an example module which ships with addressfield and I also found a similar sandbox project which adds phone numbers to the addressfield- I based this project largely off of that project. For future development we'll add validation handlers and possibly extend it to include email contact information as well.
Here is a screenshot of the resulting field:
The project can be found here.
Published by: chazcheadle in The Programming Mechanism
Tags: drupal
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