November 20, 2009 - Comments Off on Live blogging Standards.Next: CSS3 for Working Web Designers
Live blogging Standards.Next: CSS3 for Working Web Designers
Håkon Wium Lie
Photos and discussion of CERN and Tim Berners-Lee. How the web was actually developed by Tim at CERN. Pretty hilarious.
CSS a response to potential destruction of HTML's markup language with presentation elements. Currently CSS still relies too heavily on images and the occasional table hack.
HTML5 + CSS3 = WEB8. CSS3 is not a single specification, a series of specifications.
CSS1 could style text in an element. Some borders. A revolution when it came out.
For this presentation, Håkon is using a special build of Opera that isn't publicly available.
. Web font: Safari, Firefox and Opera.
Håkon believe web fonts is going to be the big new thing. Will create a pre- and post-font Web.
@import url(path/to/font);
IE is the only one that does not not support this. Argument now breaks out between Håkon and Pete LePage
IE has supported a broad range of fonts since IE 4, but .EOT. However, the above @import is all TTF. IE uses .EOT because font foundries want support for DRM. Check out Fontdeck and Typekit.
At Standards.Next, IE pledged support to add support to TTF along with EOT.
background: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.4);
See Molly's presentation.
A review of Opera's support for the CSS 3 features discussed by Andy Budd.
Opera Unite
Turns browser into a server. Allows people to access your machine via http://
. Can be quite useful.
It's not the cloud. This service is close to machine and useful for local collaboration. Millions of phones use Opera. Peer-to-peer model. Can take picture and easily
Q: When will the geolocation build be integrated with the shipping version?
A: Not sure; no date yet. Will probably not occur until the standard is more fixed.
Published by: jeffreybarke in The Programming Mechanism
Tags: css3, hakon-wium-lie, opera, standardsnext
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