August 6, 2009 - Comments Off on Liveblogging DelveUI: Designing Interaction using Flash

Liveblogging DelveUI: Designing Interaction using Flash

Jamie Kosoy - @jkosoy -Designing Interaction using Flash

Programming Philosophy

  1. Everyone gets a say.
    • Strategist, Producer, Designer, Developer.
    • Understand each other, speak the same language.
  2. Never say it's too hard.
  3. Build fast.
  4. Build ugly.
    • Prototyping and designing at the same time.
  5. Trust each other.
    • Producer acts as intermediary between Client and Team members.
  6. Drink lots of whiskey.
  7. Mise en place.--Everything in place.
    • Have documents organized and ready to go.
  8. Always start from scratch.
    • Helps you get better and faster.
  9. Strive for excellence, not perfection.
  10. Think simple.

Published by: christygurga in The Programming Mechanism

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