May 9, 2007 - Comments Off on Call to Action: Help Keep Accessibility and Semantics in HTML
Call to Action: Help Keep Accessibility and Semantics in HTML
Standardistas and accessibilitistas: This call to action via 456 Berea St concerns a disturbing direction the next HTML specification is heading in. Roger Johansson writes:
What is currently going on in the W3C HTML Working Group is very disappointing and something I never expected to see when I joined it. I was naive enough to think that everybody joining the HTML WG would be doing so out of a desire to improve the Web. Unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case […]
In Roger’s opinion, if nothing is done, “the next version of HTML will do nothing to improve the Web,” and conscientious designers will be “better off sticking to HTML 4.01 Strict.”
So, if you have an interest in improving the accessibility of HTML, want more semantic and less presentational markup, and are good at arguing your case, apply for HTML Working Group membership by following the instructions for joining the HTML Working Group. Do it now.
Published by: jeffreybarke in The Programming Mechanism
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