June 14, 2013 - Comments Off on The MechCast 209: Rituals, Routines & Repercussions

The MechCast 209: Rituals, Routines & Repercussions

On our last podcast, recorded last December, we promised that we would kick-off 2013 with a podcast on productivity. As it happens we've been very busy and very productive. So, after a deadline-induced hiatus, The Mechcast is scheduled to make a return in the near future.

In preparation for the podcast we are all reading Mason Currey's Daily Rituals: How Artists Work. The book is a compilation of 161 inspired — and inspiring — individuals, among them, novelists, poets, playwrights, painters, philosophers, scientists, and mathematicians, who describe how they subtly maneuver the many (self-inflicted) obstacles and (self-imposed) daily rituals to get done the work they love to do.

You can read along and look for the podcast in a couple of weeks, where we'll discuss the many peculiar things we've learned about the people we admire.


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