April 20, 2007 - Comments Off on Edward Tufte in New York

Edward Tufte in New York

Edward TufteEdward Tufte will be in New York April 24–26—none of these one-day courses are sold out yet. Register here.

The fee for the one-day course is $380 per person. This fee includes all four books, Visual Explanations, Envisioning Information, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, and Beautiful Evidence. The fee for full-time students not currently employed is $200; provide a copy of the current student ID and phone number of school registrar. There are no other discounts.

Tufte writes, designs, and self-publishes his books on analytical design, which have received more than 40 awards for content and design. He is Professor Emeritus at Yale University, where he taught courses in statistical evidence, information design, and interface design. His current work includes landscape sculpture, printmaking, video and a new book.

Published by: jeffreybarke in The Design Mechanism

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